Features of the atmospheric precipitation distribution in the territory of Kharkiv region
Distribution of atmospheric precipitation on the Earth is a consequence of global warming. An atmospheric precipitation is a major source of agricultural crops moistening. Knowledge of the moistening mode is used in carrying out agrarian works, determination of terms and ways of crops. On the other hand, torrential rain leads to crops lodging, prevents agricultural work. Insufficient amount of precipitation forms droughts. The agricultural feature is seasonality of works that depends on heat, changes of air temperature and rainfall. These factors define agroclimatic resources of the territory.
Formation of rainfall is the result of difficult circulating processes. In the article the dynamics of atmospheric precipitation changes has been studied at the meteorological station (MS) of Rogan (the test field KNAU) during the year and seasons for a period of 2000-2015. The mode of atmospheric precipitation loss is characterized by large variability in a month, year and decade. Increase in precipitation amount during the cold period of the year (winter) and in the autumn has been recorded. Reduction of an atmospheric precipitation is observed during the warm period of the year (spring-summer). In general, the tendency of precipitation amount reduction during the period November - March has been traced. The MS of Rogan belongs to the area with unstable moistening where the average annual amount of precipitation is 500 – 600 mm. The continental type of annual rainfall change has been observed where the maximum of precipitation falls in the warm period of the year. The set mode of moistening is coordinated with the changes in modern circulation of the atmosphere.
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