The Mechanism of Current Transfer in n-GaAs – p(ZnSe)1-x-y(Ge2)x(GaAs1–δBiδ)y Heterostructures

  • Sirajidin S. Zainabidinov Andijan state university named after Z.M. Babur, Andijan, Uzbekistan
  • Khotamjon J. Mansurov Andijan state university named after Z.M. Babur, Andijan, Uzbekistan
  • Akramjon Y. Boboev Andijan state university named after Z.M. Babur, Andijan, Uzbekistan; Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics at the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Jakhongir N. Usmonov Andijan state university named after Z.M. Babur, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Heterostructure, Substrate, Liquid phase epitaxy, Film, Solid solution, Compound, I-V characteristics, Drift mechanism, Charge transport, Temperature


The I-V characteristics of heterostructures n-GaAs – p-(ZnSe)1–x–y(Ge2)x(GaAs1–δBiδ) exhibit a characteristic quadratic law - J~V2 I-V curve, followed by a sharp pre-breakdown current growth, which well explains the observed straight branch of the I-V characteristics and this regularity remains unchanged at different temperatures. The analysis of the I-V characteristics of n‑GaAs‑p‑(ZnSe)1‑x‑y(Ge2)x(GaAs1–δBiδ) heterostructures with an extended intermediate solid solution layer shows that the drift mechanism of charge transport predominates under forward bias conditions.


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How to Cite
Zainabidinov, S. S., Mansurov, K. J., Boboev, A. Y., & Usmonov, J. N. (2024). The Mechanism of Current Transfer in n-GaAs – p(ZnSe)1-x-y(Ge2)x(GaAs1–δBiδ)y Heterostructures. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 287-292.