Performance Enhancement via Numerical Modeling and Optimization of FASnI3 Perovskite Solar Cell

  • Lahcene Kanouni Laboratoire d'Automatique Avancée et d'Analyse des Systèmes (LAAAS), Electronics Department, University of Batna 2, Batna, Algeria
  • Lamir Saidi Laboratoire d'Automatique Avancée et d'Analyse des Systèmes (LAAAS), Electronics Department, University of Batna 2, Batna, Algeria
  • Abderrahim Yousfi ETA Laboratory, Department of electronics, Faculty of sciences and technology, University Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi of Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria
  • Okba Saidani ETA Laboratory, Department of electronics, Faculty of sciences and technology, University Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi of Bordj Bou Arréridj, Algeria
Keywords: Solar cell, FASnI3, SCAPS-1D, Optimization, PCE


Perovskite-based solar cells are currently attracting growing interest from researchers and industry alike, thanks to the advantages of this type of solar cell, particularly in terms of manufacturing simplicity and the promising power conversion efficiency, which has recently reached remarkable levels. This paper focuses on numerical simulation to improve the performance of the Formamidinium Tin Iodide (FASnI3) solar cell configuration by using Cerium Dioxide (CeO2) as ETL and Poly (Triaryl Amine) (PTAA) as HTL. The simulation has been carried out using Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS-1D) tool under the spectrum of AM 1.5 G. An intensive modeling has been realized to improve the output parameters of the suggested configuration based on FASnI3 as absorber. The proposed structure (ITO/CeO2/FaSnI3/PTAA/Au) achieves a tremendous power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 39.24%, an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.31 V, a short-circuit current density (JSC) of 33.7 mA/cm2 and a fill factor (FF) of 90.12%.


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How to Cite
Kanouni, L., Saidi, L., Yousfi, A., & Saidani, O. (2024). Performance Enhancement via Numerical Modeling and Optimization of FASnI3 Perovskite Solar Cell. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 404-415.

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