Syntactic and rhythmic properties of representing the concept of “loneliness” in k. mansfield’s short stories

  • S. Gasparyan
  • M. Sargsyan
  • G. Madoyan
Keywords: cognitive function, conceptual sphere, syntactic and rhythmic arrangement


The present article aims at revealing the potential cognitive function of the syntactic and rhythmic arrangement of a piece of literary text. The focus of our analysis is the study of the representation of the concept of “loneliness” in K. Mansfield’s short stories. It is argued that the rhythm inMansfield's short stories can facilitate the reader’s perception of the content of the work, enhance the visual and acoustic effects, perform a figurative function, transferring the physical, emotional, mental states of the characters. Additionally, it is asserted that the syntactic arrangement and the rhythm of a piece of text contribute to the formation and perception of the cognitive meaning of the text.


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How to Cite
Gasparyan, S., Sargsyan, M., & Madoyan, G. (2017). Syntactic and rhythmic properties of representing the concept of “loneliness” in k. mansfield’s short stories. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (14), 45-53.