The composite speech act in the parataxis package

  • A. M. Prykhodko
Keywords: complex speech act, compound speech act, illocution, parataxis, perlocutionary effect, verbal package


The article focuses on the composite speech act in its correlation with a composite sentence. The speech act is proved to be either formed by combining two or more simple sentences or packed in the composite one. The composite speech act which is formed with the help of two illocutions “placed” into a syntactic unit – parataxis. Classifying the complicated speech acts into complex and compound types, the author presents the nomenclature of the main varieties of each of them, their pragmatic and semantic features, distinguishes their integral and differential features.


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How to Cite
Prykhodko, A. M. (2018). The composite speech act in the parataxis package. Cognition, Communication, Discourse, (8), 93-102.