Author Guidelines

Submission requirements                                                                                                                                                  

Submitting a paper to the journal, authors should check off the compliance with all the requirements listed below. In case any inconsistency is detected, the publisher sends the materials back to the authors for further revision.  

Author Guidelines


for the article submitted to the Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’.

  • The text should be typed on the computer; margins: upper, lower, left - 25 mm, right - 15 mm; Times New Roman Cyr font; size 14, 1.5 line spacing; no more than 30 lines on the page.
  • Academic article should be in Ukrainian, Russian or English in compliance with all spelling requirements of the Ukrainian language and necessarily proofread by the authors.
  • Electronic version of the article is submitted to the editorial board in RTF format. Filename should coincide with the name of the author.

Except for the article is also required: 

– article review signed by the reviewer (for post-graduates -  academic adviser review); an extract from the record of department meeting (academic institution) about the recommendation of the article to be published in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’ with reference to the article title (both papers approved by the seal of the relevant institution);

– information about the author(s):  full name; address; cell phone and e-mail; place of work or study; academic position, academic degree, academic title.

On the first page of the article on the left UDC should be indicated. Down in the center of the page, the initials and the name of the author(s) are provided. The article name is typed with 2 line spacing and capital boldface letters. After the name of the article, abstracts in Ukrainian, Russian and English (page limits - 500 signs; the word ‘abstract’ is not provided) and keywords (5-6) are provided. The abstract should make up at least seven lines (except keywords) and contain a brief description of scientific achievement.

Later on, after a 2 line spacing, the text is typed.  ‘Reference list’ is typed after the 2 line spacing below the text in the following order: a) literature, author's articles in periodicals and published sources in the alphabetic order in Cyrillic and then in Latin; b) separate periodicals in the alphabetic order, indicating the nature and place of the publication (in parentheses); c) archival institutions (full current name). The reference list should include at least three publications over the past three years. 

After the article, the copyright, initials of the author(s), article name and year are indicated.

Full name of the author(s) and the name of the article in Ukrainian, Russian and English are written in ordinary letters (not uppercase) and indicated after the article.

Web links in the text come with a running number from the Reference list and in square brackets. After the number you put comma and page number (for example, [25, p.341]) for which the reference is made; the year, issue number, page (for periodicals), date (for newspapers) is stated for periodicals (in case the reference is not made to the author’s article); for archival institutions - number of the fund, description, case and page. The number of pages is mandatory.

Tables should maintain vertical orientation and be made with Word Tables. They should be numbered and with clear title. After the text of the table, you type ‘Table drawn up with:’ and further you give the links according to the number indicated in the Reference list.

An academic article should include all compulsory elements determined by the resolution of Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 regarding the publication of materials in professional literature.

The editorial board is entitled to reject articles.