Encyclopedia man: Mykola Sumtsov as an author of encyclopedic publications

Keywords: M.F. Sumtsov, encyclopaedias, Ukrainian Studies, Ethnology, Folkloristics


Purpose: to study Kharkiv University Professor, philologist, folklorist, ethnographer, museum worker Mykola Fedorovych Sumtsov’s (1854–1922) publications in the issues of the «Encyclopaedic Dictionary», the «New Encyclopaedic Dictionary» and some other encyclopaedic dictionaries of the end of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth centuries.

Research methodology: the principles of historism and objectiveness implied by means of using special historical methods such as chronological and retrospective ones.

Novelty. For the first time we suggest a general characteristics of the whole massive of M.F. Sumtsov’s articles published in encyclopaedic publications. We highlighten the scientist’s  innovations both in the field of scientific biographistics and in non-trivial choice of dictionary articles on folkloristics and ethnography; emphasise his role as a researcher and populariser of Ukrainian Literature and Slavic Humanities figures’ achievements.

Topicality. The importance and topicality of this research is grounded by the very personality of M.F. Sumtsov – the scientist who stood at the foundations of Ukrainian Studies as a science. Analysing his publications in the best encyclopaedic isues of the end of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth centuries, we see for sure that the Ukrainian ethnographer and folklorist not only summarised his colleagues’ achievements in studying traditional Ukrainian culture but also suggested a system of significant notions, artefacts and phenomena which only in a hundred of years would become basical in our native ethnolinguistic encyclopaedic dictionaries. Besides we note the scientist’s priority in creating a huge database of scientific biographies of both native and foreign science and culture figures.

Conclusions. We have studied to a certain degree forgotten, non-collected and almost non-investigated by ethnographers, folklorists and literature historians encyclopaedic legacy of Academician M.F. Sumtsov, which has not lost its topicality both from historical point of view and in the sense of looking for new methodological approaches to studying traditional folk culture. As for his latest bibliography (1999) there are 254 articles in just encyclopaedic dictionaries and not fewer than that can be found in the issues which formally are not encyclopaedic but have all the features of such ones. M. Sumtsov was one of the pioneers in the field of studying Old Ukrainian Literature and it was he who supplied XVI–XVIII centuries writers’ first scientifically grounded biographies and characteristics of creative work to encyclopaedias. Besides M. Sumtsov wrote and published in encyclopaedias the first scientific biographies of T. Shevchenko, Lessya Ukrayinka, B. Hrinchenko, I. Karpenko-Karyy, M. Kropyvnytskyy, I. Kotlyarevskyy, H. Kvitka-Osnov’yanenko and other Ukrainian authors of the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth centuries. Moreover, he was the first of native scientists to supply encyclopaedic articles about a great number of Slavic folklorists and ethnographers (P. Ivanov, O. Kolberg, Y. Karlovych and others), which in some cases are nearly the only historiographic sources. M. Sumtsov’s ethnographic and folkloristic encyclopaedic articles, which in general quite thoroughly and completely outline the parametres of traditional folk culture, continue to be of great value today. Definitely, Ukrainian science coryphaeus’ encyclopaedic legacy is worth being republished  as a separate collection of works.


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Микола Федорович Сумцов (1854–1922) : бібліографічний покажчик / укладачі: Н.І. Полянська, В.О. Савчук, В.З. Фрадкін, В.О. Ярошик, за участю Г.М. Єрофеєвої; наук. ред. Ю.З. Данилюк, В.З. Фрадкін. Київ : Рідний край, 1999. 240 с.

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Biographical dictionary of professors and lecturers. Kharkiv university Historical-Philological department during its first hundred years of existence (1805–1905) / edited by M. H. Khalanskyy and D.I. Bahaliy, introductory article by T.H. Pavlova. Kharkiv: SAHA Publishing, 2007. Pp.1–390. (in Russian)

Voytovych V. Ukrainian mythology. 2nd edition. Kyiv: Lybid, 2005. 664 p. (in Ukrainian)

Zhayvoronok V.V. The signs of Ukrainian ethnoculture: dictionary-referince book. Kyiv: Dovira, 2006. 703 p. (in Ukrainian)

Kvitka-Osnovianenko H. Stories. Matchmaking at Honcharivka. Shelmenko the yoman. Plays. / Introduction of S.D. Zubkov's authorship. Kyiv: Dnipro, 1990. 607 p. (in Ukrainian)

Krasikov M.M. The grateful son of Slobozhanshchyna. Mykola Sumtsov – the researcher and civil activist of the area. A study of ethnography and culture history of Slobidska Ukraine: selected works / M.F. Sumtsov; ordering, text preparation, introduction, afterword and notes by M.M. Krasikov. Kharkiv: ATOS, 2008. Pp. 3–55.(in Ukrainian)

Krasikov M.M. «Slobidska Ukraine folk lore personalities» in «The Slobodian Ukrainians» by Mykola Sumtsov: a view over a hundred years. Twenty-fifth Sumtsov Readings: materials collection of «Museum in Global World: innovations and maintaining traditions» scientific conference of April, 18, 2019 / Kharkiv M.F. Sumtsov historical museum. Kharkiv, 2019. Pp. 3–11. (in Ukrainian)

Krasikov M.M. A forgotten page of Sumtsov's Potebniana . «Under Khmara's wing...». Kharkiv historical-philological society collection. New series, Kharkiv, 1994. V. 2. Pp. 149–156. (in Ukrainian)

Krasikov M.M. Mykola Sumtsov in Dmytro Bahaliy's eyes. Twenty-sixth Sumtsov Readings: materials collection of All-Ukrainian scientific conference «Museum in Global World: innovations and maintaining traditions» devoted to 100–years' anniversary of Kharkiv M.F. Sumtsov historical museum. December, 2, 2020. Kharkiv, 2020. Pp. 30–37. URL: http://museum.kh.ua/docs/26SumtsovConference2020.pdf (in Ukrainian)

Krasikov M.M. Sumtsov's Shevchenkiana. Twenty-fourth Sumtsov Readings : materials collection of «Museum in Glolbal World: innovations and maintaining traditions» scientific conference of April, 18, 2018 / Kharkiv M.F. Sumtsov historical museum. Kharkiv, 2018. Pp. 3–12. (in Ukrainian)

Mandebura O. Mykola Sumtsov and the problems of sociocultural identity. Kyiv: IpiEND, 2011. 276 p. (in Ukrainian)

Mykola Fedorovych Sumtsov (1854–1922): bibliographical index / ordered by N.I. Polianska, V.O. Savchuk, V.Z. Fradkin, V.O. Yaroshyk, with participance of H.M. Yerofeyeva; scientific editors Y.Z. Danylyuk, V.Z. Fradkin. Kyiv: Ridnyy kray, 1999. 240 p. (in Ukrainian, in Russian)

Oleksandr Opanasovych Potebnya (to the 170th birrthday): bibliographical index / ordered by V.Y. Franchuk, F.Kh. Shyrokorad, Y.Y. Polyakova; introductory article by F.Kh. Shyrokorad; bibliographical editor S.B. Hlybytska. Kharkiv, 2005. 152 p. (in Ukrainian)

The Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language / ordered with own material supplement by Borys Hrinchenko: in 4 volumes. V. 4. Р–Я / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Ukrainian language Institute. Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 1997. 616 p. (in Ukrainian, in Russian)

Sumtsov M.F. Ukraine folk lore personalities. Kharkiv: «Pechatne dilo» Printing office, 1910. 37 p. (in Ukrainian)

Sumtsov M.F. A study of ethnography and culture history of Slobidska Ukraine: selected works / M.F. Sumtsov; ordering, text preparation, introduction, afterword and notes by M.M. Krasikov. Kharkiv: ATOS, 2008. 588 p. («Slobozhanshchyna folk lore and ethnography study» series; issue № 3). (in Ukrainian, in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. Bodyanskyy Osyp Maksymovych. Critical–biographical dictionary of russian writers and scientists (from beginning of russian education till present day) / Vengerov S.A. SPb., 1897. V. 5. Pp. 51–75. (in Russian)

[Sumtsov N.F.] Potebnya Aleksandr Afanasiyevych. Encyclopaedical dictionary/ editor A.A. Polovtsev. SPb., 1905. V. 14 Plavilshchikov – Primo. Pp. 643–646. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. Potebnya Aleksandr Afanasiyevych. Encyclopaedical dictionary / Publ. F.A. Btokgauz, I.A. Efron. 1898. V. XXIV-a (48). Pp. 727–728. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. The symbols of Slavonic rites: selected works / ordering, text preparation and notes by A.K. Bayburin, afterword by A.K. Bayburin, V.Z. Fradkin. M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 1996. 296 p. (Ethnographical library). (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. The ethnography of modern Mala Rus. Part 1. Kyiv: «Kyivskaya staryna» journal publishing, 1893. 168 p. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. The ethnography of modern Mala Rus. Part 2. Kyiv: «Kyivskaya staryna» journal publishing, 1897. 85 p. Reprinted from the journal: Kyivskaya staryna. 1896. V. 54, July, August, September. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. Litter. Encyclopaedical dictionary / F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron publishing. V. 29-a. SPb., 1900. Pp. 908–909. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. Children’s shirt. Encyclopaedical dictionary / F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron publishing. V. 29-a. SPb.,1900. Pp. 906–907. (in Russian)

[Sumtsov N.F.]. Sumtsov (Nikolay Fedorovych). Encyclopaedical dictionary / F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron publishing. SPb., 1901. V. 32. Pp. 68–69. (in Russian)

Sumtsov N.F. Lice searching (skaniye). Encyclopaedical dictionary / F.A. Brokgauz, I.A. Efron publishing. SPb., 1901. V. 32. P. 241. (in Russian)

Sushko V.A. The Treasurer of Slobidska Ukraine: ethnographical and museum activity of All Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Academician Mykola Fedorovych Sumtsov. Kharkiv: private entrepreneur Brovin O.V., 2019. 48 p. (in Ukrainian)

Fradkin V.Z. Life for Ukraine's benefit. Mykola Fedorovych Sumtsov (1854–1922): bibliographical index / ordered by N.I. Polianska, V.O. Savchuk, V.Z. Fradkin, V.O. Yaroshyk, with participance of H.M. Yerofeyeva; scientific editors Y.Z. Danylyuk, V.Z. Fradkin. Kyiv: Ridnyy kray, 1999. Pp. 7–19. (in Ukrainian)

Fradkin V.Z. Sumtsov – the encyclopaedician scientist: (to the 140th birthday). The problems of saving and restoring the historical memory: scientific conference on museum and regional history studyng of May, 24–25, 1994: reports abstracts. Kharkiv, 1994. Pp. 7–8. (in Ukrainian)
How to Cite
Krasikov, M. (2024). Encyclopedia man: Mykola Sumtsov as an author of encyclopedic publications. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 38, 133-144. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-6505-2024-38-13