"When you grow up, you have to leave here": life strategies of Donbas residents in the context of the history of the formation of the region

Keywords: Donbas, monocity, reintegration


Purpose. The article presents an analysis of the life strategies of Donbas residents related to their choice of a place to live and career growth in the context of the study of socio-economic problems of the region.

The research methodology is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews that were collected among respondents in 2022-2024. The study of specific cases allows us to make a hypothesis about the spread of a certain phenomenon to a social group.

 Scientific novelty. The theses presented in the article help to better understand the social context in which the region found itself before 2014 and can become part of the reintegration strategy. The article presents practical conclusions regarding the involvement of human resources for the restoration of this territory.

The relevance of the article is determined by the current social situation and the need to study the perceptions of Donbas residents about their region in order to develop a reintegration strategy.

Conclusions. Passionate residents who could become a driving force for change in the region often chose to build a career elsewhere. This is due to the lack of opportunities for career growth in the monocities of Donbas. However, over time, some of them realize the importance of investing in the development of the region, both social and financial resources, which can become a support not only for the reintegration process, but also for the revitalization of the region.


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Interview from the author's personal archive.
How to Cite
Nesterenko, V. (2024). "When you grow up, you have to leave here": life strategies of Donbas residents in the context of the history of the formation of the region. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 38, 114-121. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-6505-2024-38-11