Byzantine Studies in Ukrainian scholars’ dissertations, 2012–2023 (non-historical sciences)
The article reviews the dissertations on Byzantine studies, which have been defended in Ukraine over 2012–2023 in non-historical specializations (Aesthetics, Musicology, Theory and History of Culture, Pedagogy, Fine Arts, Religious Studies). Byzantine studies in Ukraine recently have started to develop in institutional centers, among which are the National University ‘Kyiv-Mohyla Academy,’ M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, M. V. Lysenko Lviv National Academy of Music (where a school of research in the history of Byzantine music has taken shape under the leadership of Yuri Yasinovsky), Lviv National Academy of the Arts, A. V. Nezhdanova Odesa National Academy of Music, I. P. Kotliarevsky Kharkiv National University of the Arts, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and the Arts, etc. The range of dissertations of an interdisciplinary nature is expanding, in particular, historical, theological, historical and philosophical topics are gaining popularity, and art criticism and musicology are becoming popular.
The review points out, that the number of dissertations on non-historical Byzantine studies has increased in comparison with the previous period 2007–2011 and even after full-scale invasion of Russian Federation into Ukraine, and our scientists continue studying such complex interdisciplinary issues. The studies presented in the review are original, based on the latest methods and achievements of world science, and they determine further vectors of the development of Ukrainian Byzantine studies in the near future.
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Відбувся перший захист докторату на програмі богослов’я УКУ – вітаємо Тараса Тима (23 червня 2023 р.) URL.:
Domanovska M., Domanovskyi A. Byzantine Studies in dissertations produced by Ukrainian scholars, 2012–2022 (Historical Sciences) V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’. Vol. 35. 2022. P. 89–106.
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