Ativities of soviet military commissariats in western Volynia during the bolshevik occupation of the region in august-september 1920 (based on materials from the State archive of Volyn oblast).
The purpose of the research is to examine the activities of Soviet military commissariats in Western Volynia during the Bolshevik occupation of the region in August-September 1920.
The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific and special historical research methods, including problem-chronological, synchronous, periodization, comparative-historical, and others.
The scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of documents preserved in the State Archive of Volyn Oblast, this study comprehensively investigates the process of establishment and activities of Soviet military commissariats in the territory of Volynia during the Bolshevik occupation of the region in August-September 1920. Special attention is focused on the internal structure, personnel and key areas of work of the military committees. The role of military commissariats in political and socio-cultural processes in the region, as well as their interaction with the local population, is considered.
Conclusions. At the end of the summer of 1920, the process of establishment of Soviet power and the formation of the state apparatus began in the territory of Western Volyn occupied by the Bolsheviks. An important tool for consolidating Soviet power on the ground was the military administration. Military commissariats functioned in provinces, poviats, and parishes. Such a hierarchical system allowed effective management of military units and provision of military mobilization needs in different parts of the region. The activities of the military commissariats included the performance of a number of functions, including the accounting of conscripted citizens, animals and equipment necessary for the effective operation of the іoviet army during hostilities. In addition, combating desertion and maintaining military discipline was an important task of the military administration. Soviet commissariats were important centers for the spread of communist ideology, support for revolutionary transformations, and played an important role in propaganda work among the population.
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