Kharkiv volume of a multi-volume encyclopedic edition«Collection of monuments of history and culture of Ukraine». History and current state (last quarter XX – beginning of the XXI century)

  • Ярослав Ліхолєтов Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»
Keywords: monument, arch, State Register, protection of cultural heritage, cultural heritage, monument science


Research aim is a comprehensive analysis of the state of preparation of the Kharkiv volume of the multi-volume encyclopedic edition "Collection of monuments of history and culture of Ukraine" from the 1980s – early  XXI century  and its impact on the field of monument science and monument protection.

Research methodology. The article examines the formation of the Kharkiv volume of the multi-volume encyclopedic edition "Collection of Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine" in the context of a nationwide encyclopedic project in terms of the principles of historicism, system, interdisciplinarity, objectivity, analysis and synthesis.

Scientific novelty. In the modern normative system of cultural heritage protection, historical and interdisciplinary research, an important part of measures to protect and promote national cultural heritage in Ukraine and the world and a separate subject of study is "Collection of monuments of history and culture of Ukraine" - fundamental, multidisciplinary, encyclopedic, scientific reference publication, which covers all known in its territory immovable monuments - archeology, history, architecture, urban planning, monumental art, science and technology, which have historical, scientific or artistic value.

Conclusions. Having analyzed the main normative principles, legal acts, orders and directives, due to which the functioning of the Code was started, both in Ukraine in

information on monuments, changes in administrative-territorial  structure and socio-political moments, as well as current experience and the state of preparation of the Kharkiv volume of the publication, we can conclude that the project "Collection of monuments of history and culture of Ukraine" is not only a publication that carries a normative and encyclopedic load.  The Code is a scientific basis for compiling the State Register of Immovable Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage, but it differs in that it contains the most studied number of immovable objects of cultural heritage, not only those that are under state protection.  This nationwide project is able to improve the historical and local lore movement, intensify the excursion and tourism component of the region, as well as become the basis for the creation of new modern information resources in the field of protection and research of monuments.

  general and in Kharkiv region, advantages and disadvantages in the process of collecting and processing


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How to Cite
Ліхолєтов, Я. (2021). Kharkiv volume of a multi-volume encyclopedic edition«Collection of monuments of history and culture of Ukraine». History and current state (last quarter XX – beginning of the XXI century). V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’, 31, 149-158.