Social Prospects of the Science and Digital Economy Development in Ukraine

Keywords: Social Economy, Social EconomyDigital Economy, Digital Economy, Science, Prospects, Potential


The article is devoted to the research of social perspectives of science and digital economy development in Ukraine. The main tasks set and resolved in the article were: to study the social advantages of the digital economy and science development, analysis of the negative effects of these processes and directions of their minimization, the proposal of social perspectives for the development of science and digital economics. During the research such methods of synthesis and analysis, comparison and systematization have been used.

The article founds that the main social benefits of science and the digital economy development are related to the system of education, medicine and welfare of people. Negative aspects of these processes are technological unemployment, temporary uneven income of the population, changes in the regional structure of the factors of production placement, a significant gap between technology development of developed countries and developing countries. It is possible to minimize these negative consequences through the system of personnel retraining and small and medium-sized businesses development.

The statistical indicators of the science development in Ukraine have been analyzed and the lagging behind the specific expenses for carrying out scientific researches in comparison with EU countries has been established.

The main social perspectives for the science and the digital economy development are the introduction of an effective policy in the labor market focused on the latest technologies and innovations; mobility of workers; creation of clusters of knowledge intensive industries and universities; the use of social networks to form the country's brand and the development of common social values in society; introduction of the main directions of the European concept of digital science in Ukraine for increasing integration into the European scientific space; active participation in the Horizon 2020 program for joint Ukrainian-European projects.

Prospects for further research in this area will reveal the influence of science on the development of the social economy in Ukraine and destruction factors.


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How to Cite
Simakhova, A. (2019). Social Prospects of the Science and Digital Economy Development in Ukraine. Social Economics, 56, 216-221.