Enterprise Competitiveness Assessment Methodology

  • Yelyzaveta Lutsyshyna National Aerospace University. NE Zhukovsky «Kharkov Aviation Institute» 17, Chkalov Str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9594-0948
Keywords: Competitiveness, Market, Assessment, Business Process, Taxonomy Method


The purpose of writing this article is to develop an enterprise competitiveness assessment methodology, taking into account the specifics of business process management. The basic characteristics of this property, objective and subjective principles, and a number of initial requirements were taken into account when developing the enterprise competitiveness assessment methodology. It was proposed to calculate two integral indicators: the first provides a static assessment of the competitiveness of an enterprise in comparison with selected competitors at a particular point in time, the second indicator demonstrates in dynamics the level of synchronization of the enterprise with the relevant market. To assess the static component of enterprise competitiveness, the taxonomy method was chosen as the method for constructing an integral indicator. The proposed integral indicator ‒ an indicator of the development level ‒ will evaluate the totality of financial, managerial and marketing indicators that characterize the results of the flow of both basic and equally important management business processes, some significant serving business processes in the enterprise, and take into account the overall assessment of the quality of business processes management. An algorithm was proposed for evaluating the indicator “Quality of Business Process Management” based on the point method. The assessment algorithm can be used both for business entities just starting to implement business process management, and for those who already have successful experience using this approach. The dynamic component of enterprise competitiveness assessment characterizes the level of perception by an enterprise of market conditions. The calculation of the integral indicator of the dynamic estimate was based on the averaging of the four indices based on the geometric average. The indices were built on the basis of a comparison of the following basic indicators and their growth rates: profitability of sales of the enterprise, average profitability of sales in the market, volume of sales of the enterprise, real market capacity.


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How to Cite
Lutsyshyna, Y. (2019). Enterprise Competitiveness Assessment Methodology. Social Economics, 56, 173-182. https://doi.org/10.26565/2524-2547-2018-56-17