State regulation of loan payment: challenges and prospects for Ukraine

Keywords: state regulation, labor remuneration, incomes, expenses, education, innovations, labor market.


The article assesses and substantiates some guidelines for regulating the wage system at the state level. Three components of the approach are justified, which are determined by the role of wages as an indicator of the ability of the economic system, an instrument for combating poverty in the socio-economic environment of the country, a tool for accumulating income and shaping the structure and volume of domestic demand in the economy, as well as long-term growth. Factors influencing the formation of remuneration of labor, among which a special place is occupied by state mechanisms of regulation of the level of labor remuneration, development of innovations, education. It is determined that wages should stimulate the development of both the individual and enterprises, be a lever for the harmonious development of society, high rates of economic growth. The need to stimulate the increase in the share of wages in the incomes of the population is revealed, which should become one of the basic principles of the functioning of the new state revenue policy. A scheme is proposed for calculating the dollar equivalent of a deposit that is capable, in conditions of economic passivity, to generate a monthly income equal, for example, to the level of the minimum wage. The analysis and comparison of the structure of consumer spending is carried out and it is determined that it is the benchmark for the regulatory development of the human resources potential of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Rekun, G. (2017). State regulation of loan payment: challenges and prospects for Ukraine. Social Economics, 53(1), 120-127.