Keywords: Paradigm, Intellectual Potential Management, the Intellectual Potential Structure of the Enterprise, Theoretical, Applied and Spiritual Knowledge, Competence


Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the industrial enterprises management conceptual approach, which is based on the managerial innovations introduction in the context of the intellectual potential use and development. It is accented that traditional concepts do not fully reflect the modern imperatives of the general management paradigm in the intellectual production system. Modern practice of enterprises intellectual and innovative activities organizing shows, that the effective use of intellectual potential is one of their successful functioning and development determining factors. It is proved that the study of intellectual potential should be approached from two sides: on the one hand – as a set of people – owners of knowledge focused on cognitive and transformational activities, and on the other – as a set of scientific, technical, social, cultural knowledge represented by material and technical forms. Theoretical approaches to the description of elements and architectonics of the enterprise intellectual potential structure are analyzed and a number of differences are identified, which complicate the development of practical recommendations in the context of Ukrainian economy real sector competitiveness increasing. The main factors influencing the formation of the enterprise intellectual potential structural components are specified. The intellectual potential structure in relation to the realities of modern enterprises innovative activity is substantiated. The author's definition of the categories essence "creative potential", "professional qualification potential", "hidden potential of innovations" is given. It is proved that each intellectual potential element is a kind of set of possibilities, owing to the interaction of which a synergetic effect is achieved and the production system acquires new properties that are not inherent in each individual component. The importance of harmonious development of the enterprise intellectual potential elements in order to maintain the stability of its activities and increase competitiveness in the market is emphasized.


Author Biography

Halyna Ostrovska, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, 56, Ruska str., Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor


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