Modification of the solution of waveguide excitation problem by longitudinal magnetic current

  • Л. П. Яцук Харьковский национальный университет имени В. Н. Каразина, Харьков, 61022, пл. Свободы, 4
Keywords: waveguide, excitation problem, magnetic current, own wave series expansion


It is proposed to reduce the solution of the problem of a waveguide excitation by a longitudinal magnetic current to a convergent series by means of series expansion of the divergent term containing Dirac delta function, and combining this with the expansion of the desired field in the source region in terms of eigen waves. It is shown that such an approach and the use of the Green's function in a case where it is known provide identically coincident solutions of the problem. This justifies the possibility of an alternative solution of the problem of excitation, when the construction of the Green's function is difficult.


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How to Cite
Яцук, Л. П. (1). Modification of the solution of waveguide excitation problem by longitudinal magnetic current. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (24), 54-59. Retrieved from