Justification of the reduction method using the zero field method

Keywords: Zero field method, systems of linear algebraic equations, computer programs for data processing


Relevance. The urgency of the task is due primarily to progress in the field of computer technology and the growth in the power of modern personal computers. This significantly expands the class of numerical-analytical methods that can be used to build real-time data processing algorithms. To increase the efficiency of using modern diagnostic equipment, further research is needed on such fundamental natural phenomena as diffraction and scattering of monochromatic electromagnetic waves and pulsed signals on objects of various shapes and with various electrical properties.

The purpose of the work is to study the physical laws of diffraction and scattering of monochromatic electromagnetic waves and pulsed signals on objects of various shapes and with different electrophysical properties, located including in flat-layered media, to develop methods for solving the corresponding electrodynamic problems.

Materials and methods. To model and study the propagation and diffraction of harmonic and ultra-wideband electrodynamic signals, this paper uses a strict zero-field method, which is based on reducing the boundary value problem for Maxwell's equations to a set of integro-differential equations and further constructing an algorithm for solving the problem using a projection scheme.

 Results. - A generalization of the zero field method has been obtained for solving problems of the propagation of fields of point sources (filament of electric or magnetic current) in plane-layered media with two-dimensional inhomogeneities; – the development of algorithms for modeling the propagation of ultra-wideband pulsed signals in flat-layered media with cylindrical inclusions, based on the expansion of the original signals in Fourier series, is proposed. The results of the work are reflected in two regulatory documents: - R V. 2.3-218-02071168-781: 2011 Recommendations for the designation of structural balls for essential road clothing; – M 218-02071168-705:2012 Method of flaw detection of road balls by surface sounding methods.

Findings. The results obtained indicate that the numerical-analytical methods of modern electrodynamics are an effective tool for solving a number of important applied problems, including non-destructive testing problems. Sufficiently proven methods for solving two-dimensional problems of scattering of electromagnetic waves can be used not only to solve the problems of flaw detection, but also form the basis for metrological support of the measurement process using defectometric complexes and thereby increase the reliability of measurements.


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Author Biography

D. O. Batrakov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

4, Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Batrakov, D. O. (2022). Justification of the reduction method using the zero field method. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (36), 21-29. https://doi.org/10.26565/2311-0872-2022-36-02