Recognition of littlesize surface objects the matrix radiometer systems of millimeter bande
The possibility of recognizing small-sized ground objects of the passive matrix radio-metric system of the millimeter range is analyzed. In the recognition process, two tasks are solved: the detection of an object in a given area of space and, if it is detected by the system, the problem of identifying an object is solved, that is, the assignment of an object to a particular type of objects with the corresponding characteristics. An assessment was made of the probability and range of detection of ground-based small-sized objects both by a passive radiometric system and by a passive-active system, that is, a radiometric system with object illumination against the background of the earth's surface by an independent source of broadband noise illumination. An assessment of the detection range of ground-based small-sized objects protected by a camouflage coating shielding the radiation and the object re-reflection of the backlight signal was made. It was concluded that a decrease in the level of radiation by an object using a masking coating of 10dB reduces the detection range of an object by the radiometric system by no less than three times.
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