Parameters of the traveling ionospheric disturbances obtained by using a digital ionosonde

  • В. Л. Дорохов
  • Ю. Б. Милованов
  • Ю. П. Федоренко
Keywords: ionosphere, ionosonde, AGW/TID, model, temporal half-periods, linear dependence, correlation between f о F2(t) and h о ′F2(t)


For a fixed distance between the measuring station and disturbance source experimentally confirmed that the temporal AGW/TID half-periods were linearly increasing when the observation time increase. The critical frequency and virtual height of the F2 layer maximum, f о F2 (t) and h о 'F2 (t), were measured by a digital ionosonde with an interval of 1 min. It was confirmed that the relative TID amplitude is proportional to the duration of the time half-period and the maxima of h о 'F2 (t) correspond to the minima of f о F2 (t) and vice versa. In most cases, the time delay between the corresponding extrema of the curves f о F2(t) and h о ′F2(t) are equal to 4 – 15 minutes.


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How to Cite
Дорохов, В. Л., Милованов, Ю. Б., & Федоренко, Ю. П. (2017). Parameters of the traveling ionospheric disturbances obtained by using a digital ionosonde. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (27), 80-84. Retrieved from