The variants of the radiometric signal detection rule at the singlechannel reception

  • В. Є. Кудряшов
  • С. М. Тамаш
  • Д. С. Шмаков
Keywords: radiometric signal, single-channel reception, non-stationary Wiener process, detection rule, likelihood ratio, radiometer


The Wiener-distributed radiometric signal detection rule is obtained based on the maximum likelihood estimation method. The obtainment of the detection rules is presented for the non-stationary signal against the non-stationary interfering background signals and the noise of radiometer. The first version of the radiometric signal detection rule is obtained using the derivatives of the input processes. The second version of the detection rule is based on the processes with independent increments, for which the differences have a normal distribution with the certain parameters. Physically existing minor simplifications have been introduced. The technically feasible block diagrams are given for these detection rules of radiometric signal accounting the threshold level.


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How to Cite
Кудряшов, В. Є., Тамаш, С. М., & Шмаков, Д. С. (2017). The variants of the radiometric signal detection rule at the singlechannel reception. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (27), 75-79. Retrieved from