Dependence of the amplitude of the infrasonic signal generated by powerful volcano explosion on distance

  • Л. Ф. Черногор
  • Н. Б. Шевелев
Keywords: volcano eruption, infrasound, spherical wave-front spreading, cylindrical wave-front spreading, fit, regression, wave attenuation


A multiple linear regression analysis has been performed to fit the pressure amplitude in the shock wave from the megaton of TNT St. Helens volcano explosion on May 18, 1980 and the distance between the explosion epicenter and thirteen 0.9–39 Mm distant infrasound stations over altogether 15 propagation paths. Multiple linear regression fits are constructed for the cases of a spherical wave-front spreading, a cylindrical wave-front spreading, and a cylindrical wave front spreading taking into account the wave attenuation and the infrasonic radiation through the waveguide wall. The latter case has been shown to be preferable.


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How to Cite
Черногор, Л. Ф., & Шевелев, Н. Б. (2017). Dependence of the amplitude of the infrasonic signal generated by powerful volcano explosion on distance. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (27), 57-60. Retrieved from