Wave diffraction by planar graphene grating placed above perfectly electric conducting plane

  • М. Е. Калиберда
  • С. А. Погарский
  • М. П. Роюк
  • Т. А. Ильина
Keywords: graphene strip, Kubo formalism, singular integral equation


Wave diffraction of the H-polarized electromagnetic wave by the graphene strip grating placed above perfectly electric conducting plane is considered. The mathematical model is based on the method of singular integral equations. Pseudodifferential Hilbert operator is used. Scattered field is expressed via unknown spectral functions. The conductivity of graphene strips is determined from Kubo formalism. The numerical solution is obtained by the method of discrete singularities. Dependences of scattering and absorption cross sections are represented.


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How to Cite
Калиберда, М. Е., Погарский, С. А., Роюк, М. П., & Ильина, Т. А. (2017). Wave diffraction by planar graphene grating placed above perfectly electric conducting plane. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series “Radio Physics and Electronics”, (27), 49-52. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/radiophysics/article/view/11417