Diffraction tomography of a cylindrical impedance surface in the frequency domain
A scheme is proposed for combining the method of calculating an equivalent surface impedance, taking into account the curvature of the surface and the algorithm for solving the inverse problem of reconstructing the impedance distribution from the field registration data on a certain closed loop outside the object. This allows us to relate the proposed approach to the direction of "diffraction tomography." As with other implementations of the Newton-Kantorovich scheme, not only the spatial position of the receiving antenna (diffraction tomography), but also the frequency of the sensing monochromatic signal or its polarization state, can serve as informative parameters. Another advantage of the proposed algorithm, as well as other algorithms in the framework of the Newton- Kantorovich scheme, is the possibility of constructing an iterative procedure by repeating the process of evaluating the correction to the starting value of the impedance distribution (initial approximation).
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