About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series “Radio Physics and Electronics” is a scientific journal.

The goal of the Journal is to publish articles, reports and reviews containing original results of theoretical and experimental research aimed at solving the current problems of modern radiophysics. These include: the propagation of radio waves in the near-Earth space, its diagnosis using radiophysical methods, the propagation and diffraction of electromagnetic waves in electrodynamic structures, the interaction of laser radiation with matter and biological objects, physical principles in semiconductor devices etc.

Journal Mission is to deliver recent advancements in radiophysics and life sciences to peers and broad audience.

It is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for publishing papers submitted for Ph.D. and Dr.Sci. degrees in physics and mathematics (The Decree N 1328 of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine of 21.12.2015).

The journal publishes research articles, short communications and reviews regarding all problems of radiophysics and related fields.

We publish articles written in Ukrainian, English and Russian.