• Антоніна Валеріївна Кічук Associate Professor of the Department of General and Practical Psychology Izmail State University of Guanitars, st. Repin, 12, Izmail, Ukraine
Keywords: mental health, psychological health, subject, identity, sudentship


The problem of a relatively new scientific orientation – the psychology of health, that studies the factors of psychological health of a personality, the methods and ways of its preservation, strengthening and development, was actualized. The parameters, according to which the constructiveness of competence approach is perceived in the aspect of the development among students of value attitude to their health in psychological sphere as an indicator of psychological maturity, were detailed. In accordance with the analytical work performed that was based on the synthesis of scientific literature, it was concluded that the scientific status of the notion “psychological health of a personality” wasn’t defined. It is stated that hitherto the confusion in using such close notions as “mental health” and “psychological health” dominates in the research works. Simultaneously the legality of scientific views is being proven, when psychological health is understood as a complex indicator that is the decisive requirement of a person’s self-actualization, his comprehensive development and functioning. The construct “mental health” ascertains the fact of the absence of psychosomatic health of a person.
As a result of the analysis of scientific sources it was stressed on the most important attributive characteristics of the psychological health of contemporary studentship – the acceptance of responsibility for own life, self-understanding and “embracing your original self”, the ability to meet present-day challenges, the capability to understand others and awareness of individual existence. The basis of psychological health of a personality is a normative development of identity in the sense of “independent spiritual life”. Some results of conducted pilot research, that prove established by other researches tendency to mostly indifferent attitude of students to psychological health, lack of awareness of self-worth, are presented.


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How to Cite
Кічук, А. В. (2020). THE ATTITUDE OF STUDENTS TO PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH WITHIN THE PARAMETERS OF COMPETENCE APPROACH. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (68), 31-36.