The theoretical foundations of the personal component of individual experience research

  • Павло Олександрович Севост`янов The Applied Psychology Department, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022
Keywords: individual experience, personal component of individual experience, the Self-concept, self-regulation, self-assessment, life meaningful orientations, values, Big Five


The article contains a theoretical analysis of the personal component of individual experience, namely, its components, which most fully describe the features of its organization, are singled out. The analysis was based on the A.N. Laktionov individual experience concept, suggesting the presence of personal, social and mnemic components. During the consideration of the personal component, its analysis was made in three aspects: the interpretation of oneself, the interpretation of others, and the interpretation of the surrounding world. The components of the personal component of individual experience are meaningfully defined: in the aspect of self-interpretation, self-esteem, self-regulation and the Self-concept; in the aspect of interpreting others, the values and the Self-concept; in the aspect of the interpretation of the world - values and lifemeaning orientations. Each of the components separately considered in the framework of various concepts. As a result, a separate attention was paid to the theory: self-regulation by V. Morosanova; the meaning of the life of V. Frankl, supplemented by D. Leontiev; the Self-concept of V. Stolin and the values of S. Schwartz and W. Bilski. The concept of the the Self-concept was also proposed as a generalization of ideas about one’s own well-being as a representative characteristic of the personal component of individual experience, which was introduced due to the need to embrace the problem of dispersal of experience over time. Personal theories for their compliance with the characteristics of the study of personal experience, including both domestic and foreign, are considered. Facts are given that indicate that the integration of the concepts of Aysenck, Allport and Cattell could create one of the most relevant conceptual foundations for the study of personal experience. It was concluded that the most appropriate holistic theory, within which the personal component of individual experience can be investigated, is the theory of the Big Five, which, while fully describing the personality as a whole, makes a separate emphasis on the attitude of the person to his own experience.


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How to Cite
Севост`яновП. О. (2019). The theoretical foundations of the personal component of individual experience research. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (66), 36-46.