• Вікторія Олександрівна Проніна Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia.
Keywords: motivational and meaning intention, intentionality, personality, maternal behavior, women


The current article presents a characteristic of the concept of the motivational and meaning intention and the results of the empirical research of the motivational and meaning intention of the personality of a woman in the implementation of maternal behavior. The study included 84 mothers and 105 women without children aged 31 to 40 years. The method of motivational induction (MMI) by Belgian psychologist J. R. Nuttin in the adaptation of N. M. Tolstykh was proposed by G. Z. Surayeva as the main tool for diagnosing the motivational and meaning intention of the personality. The method offers unfiished sentences that need to be completed. According to M. S. Myshkina, the content of the motivational and meaning intention is described by a system of the motivational and meaning units and categories that are conditioned by the nature of speech activity, its individual and age-specifi features. The order of the classifiation of the motivational and meaning intentions was determined by G. Z. Surayeva and supplemented by M. S. Myshkina. The algorithm for describing the statement on the classifiation of types ofthe motivational and meaning intention G. Z. Suraeva and M. S. Myshkina included the defiition of motivational and meaning unit, type, kind and temporal category. After identifying the presence or absence of intentions in connection with the classifiation, the statistical analysis of two samples was carried out by the Chi-square statistiр. To process the results IBM SPSS Statistics software was used.
Revealed differences in the specifis of intentions in two samples of subjects with high level of statistical signifiance. The study of the motivational and meaning intention of the personality is based on a perspective theory that explains the phenomenon of intention, its place in the structure of the personality traits and reveals the content of motivation in general, taking into account the prospect of the future. The study of the motive forces of maternal behavior by the proposed method provides a rich empirical material and a number of ways to further classify and interpretation.


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How to Cite
Проніна, В. О. (2019). THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MOTIVATIONAL AND MEANING INTENTION OF A WOMAN PERSONALITY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MATERNAL BEHAVIOR. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (65), 36-41. Retrieved from