The Relationship Between Procrastination and Personal Maturity in Senior Students

  • Yuliya Gimayeva Department of General Psychology V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Kharkiv, Ukraine.
  • Anastasia Rodina Faculty of Psychology V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: irrational procrastination, self-actualization, personal maturity, senior students, men, women, correlations


The article presents a study of the relationship between personal maturity and procrastination in young men and women who are senior students. It was found that in half of men and 42% of women, irrational procrastination is expressed at an average level. Almost a third of women and men have medium-high and high levels of procrastination. On average, young people have achieved a satisfactory overall level of personal maturity. A total of 86% percent of young men achieved an acceptable level of personal maturity (satisfactory and high), among women such part is approximately two-thirds. However, the share of students with an unsatisfactory level of personal maturity is relatively large, among women one third of them. Achievement motivation in men and sense of civic duty in women are presented at a level closer to high. Inverse correlations were obtained between irrational procrastination and self-actualization traits as a sign of personal maturity. There are correlations common to men and women, as well as specific ones. In general, higher procrastination among students is correlated with a limited orientation on self-actualization values and weak synergy. In women, irrational procrastination is inversely correlated to autonomy from external influences, flexibility of behavior, sensitivity to oneself, synergy. In men, procrastination is inversely correlated to self-control.


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How to Cite
Gimayeva, Y., & Rodina, A. (2023). The Relationship Between Procrastination and Personal Maturity in Senior Students. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (75), 7-15.