• Наталя Валеріївна Гранкіна-Сазонова V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Kharkiv. Svobody sq., 4
Keywords: optimal personality functioning, trust, values, well-being, mediation model


The paper is devoted to the problem of mechanism of relatedness of optimal personality functioning (OPF) and values as complex motivational cognitive constructs. The different approaches to understanding of interrelations between wellbeing and values are regarded. Most of works examine the direct way of inflence of values on subjective and psychological well-being. Few studies regard the social peculiarities and individual characteristics of the personality as possible moderators and mediators.
The study examines the correlation connections between values, trust and OPF indexes, which are Psychological Well-Being (PWB) and Hardiness. Trust indexes are highly connected with OPF indexes. The values of Openness to change and Conservative values both correlate with OPF indexes. At the same time the Regression analysis and Structural Equation Modelling show that Openness to change values predict PWB.
The structural model of PWB includes Self-trust as a mediator between values of Openness to change and PWB.


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How to Cite
Гранкіна-Сазонова, Н. В. (2019). THE MEDIATING ROLE OF TRUST BETWEEN VALUES AND OPTIMAL PERSONALITY FUNCTIONING. Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Psychology, (65), 15-20. Retrieved from