Keywords: post-postmodern, post-postmodern arts, art object, art of living through, self-happening


This article considers post-postmodern arts and trends in their diversity. The starting point of the research is the comparison of postmodern and post-postmodern in the art environment. Postmodern paradoxically limits the redundancy, not allowing sufficient displaying of the special features of an art object. Post-postmodern arts provide a possibility to overcome the lack and danger of events and the self-happening of a human being. Object-oriented ontology (OOO) by Graham Harman, performatism by Raoul Eshelman, metamodernism by Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker, digimodernism by Alain Kirby, post-postmodern understanding of architecture by Tom Turner, etc. are intellectual trends, which comprehends peculiarities of postmodern and post-postmodern art in particular. OOO displays, that post-postmodern art is rather theatrical that literal and even post-postmodern literature becomes theatrical. The renouncement from an overestimation of both form and function in art, especially in architecture, allows to designate a weird formalism as an actual art position. Since the article deals with the art of living through, the greatest attention is paid to architecture as an exemplary art. This explains the appeal to works that research architecture, including the theories of architects themselves such as Peter Zumthor or Juhani Palasmaa or creating architectural art objects by writers. On the other hand, post-postmodern writers such as David Foster Wallace or Dave Eggers create theatrical literary works, which are often filmed. Performatism as a direction developing post-millennial generative anthropology is the basis for the researching of generative art as the most unpredictable and close to the spontaneity of living through as a moving to attract objects, including art objects. This article develops this approach by researching of moving from self-performance to self-happening as an art of demeanor, a mode of being. Thus, post-postmodern art in its diversity appears as art a human being living through.


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How to Cite
Zahurska , N. (2021). POST-POSTMODERN: ARTS AND TRENDS. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series Philosophy. Philosophical Peripeteias, (65), 6-13.