Binary oppositions as a means of conceptualizing the artistic picture of the world in the novel “A Place Called Here” by C. Ahern

  • Екатерина Геннадиевна Сальникова Брестський державний університет імені О. С. Пушкіна
Keywords: literary text, artistic picture of the world, binary opposition, mediator, “Here” – “There”, “Lost” – “Found”


The author uses a dichotomic method in the analysis of the artistic world of the novel “A Place Called Here” by C. Ahern, considers the implementation of the romantic opposition “Here” – “There” in a contemporary literary text. Particular attention is paid to the antinomy “Lost” – “Found”, which expresses C. Ahern’s message on the structural-compositional, characters representational, semantic and linguistic levels. The article highlights the role of the main character as a mediator between the worlds of “Here” and “There”.


Author Biography

Екатерина Геннадиевна Сальникова, Брестський державний університет імені О. С. Пушкіна

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, завідувач
кафедри лінгводидактики факультету іноземних мов


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2. Лотман Ю. М. Феномен культуры / Ю. М. Лотман // Избранные статьи в 3 т. – Т. 1. Статьи по семиотике и топологии культуры. – Таллинн : Александра, 1992. – С. 34–45.

3. Ahern C. There’s No Place Like Here / С. Ahern. – N.Y. : Hyperion, 2006. – 271 p.
How to Cite
Сальникова, Е. Г. (2017). Binary oppositions as a means of conceptualizing the artistic picture of the world in the novel “A Place Called Here” by C. Ahern. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 335-337. Retrieved from
Analysis of the artistic text and the integrity of the work of art