Self-parody in Igor Severyanin’s poetry (poems "July Noon" and "A carriage")

  • Яна Викторовна Галкина Днепропетровский университет имени Альфреда Нобеля
Keywords: Igor Severyanin, irony, parody, self-parody


Poetic particular of ego-futurist Igor Severyanin’s poems “The July Noon" (1910) and " The carriage" (1918) are considered in the article. The poem “The carriage" is a parody on the text "The July afternoon." Igor Severyanin parodies the important for his poetry theme of hedonism and idleness. The analysis helps to understand the evolution of the author's style, and the perception of changes in the cultural environment. Severyanin’s "double" irony is the reaction to loosening of postsimbolist poetics after the revolution and to the crisis of his own poetic practice.


Author Biography

Яна Викторовна Галкина, Днепропетровский университет имени Альфреда Нобеля

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии и перевода


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How to Cite
Галкина, Я. В. (2017). Self-parody in Igor Severyanin’s poetry (poems "July Noon" and "A carriage"). The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 290-293. Retrieved from
Analysis of the artistic text and the integrity of the work of art