Nature and man in Doris Lessing’s early small prose
concept, colonial context, concept "nature", dualism, the concept "man", the inner space of a literary work, Doris Lessing
The article deals with the consideration of Doris Lessing’s early small prose. The unique component of the works of this period becomes an original interpretation and a unique artistic solution of nature and a human being problems. Analysis of the concepts "nature" and "man" made it possible to reveal their dual character reflecting the author's vision of the colonial world of Doris Lessing’s prose. Additionaly, the different perceptions of children and adults were examined in the writer's early stories.
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4. Bertelsen E. Veldanschauung: Doris Lessing's Savage Africa / E. Bertelsen // Modem Fiction Studies. – 1991. – № 37(4). – Р. 647–658.
5. Chennells A. Doris Lessing: Rhodesian Novelist / A. Chennells // Doris Lessing Newsletter. – 1985. – №9(2). – Р. 3–7.
6. Hunter E. A Sense of Place in Selected African Works by Doris Lessing / E. Hunter. – Cape Town : University of Cape Town. – 1990. – 130 р.
7. Ingersoll E. G. Putting the Questions Differently: Interviews with Doris Lessing 1964–1994 / E. G. Ingersoll. – London : Flamingo. – 1994. – 220 р.
8. Lessing D. This Was the Old Chiefs Country (Collected AfricanStories, Vol.1) / Doris Lessing. – London : Paladin, 1992. – 322 р.
9. Lessing D. The Sun Between Their Feet (Collected African Stories,Vol. 2) / Doris Lessing. – London : Flamingo, 1994. – 380 р.
10. Whittaker R. Doris Lessing / R. Whittaker. – London : Macmillan. – 1988. – 192 р.
How to Cite
Савина, В. В. (2017). Nature and man in Doris Lessing’s early small prose. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 209-213. Retrieved from
Literary anthropology as a study of the dialectict. unity of cult. and oth. spheres of "artistic life" of the character