Gumilev’s Creativity in the Reception of G. Adamovich at the pages of Paris “Zveno”
lyrical hero, criticism, evaluation, poetry article, reception, creativity
Adamovich’s reception of creativity has deeply personal character, due to the friendship between them and the desire of critics to debunk the negative criticism about him and to represent the, imagine of a true poet, who was known by the people from his close entourage. Another feature of critical articles by Adamovich that mentioned the name of Gumilev, can be called the teacher's attitude to poetry as standard, which facilitates understanding of the degree of consideration of the author's talent. This position is due to the proximity of the views of the critic and poet on poetry, on this evidence, literary and critical articles of Adamovich and his other works.
1. Адамович Г. В. Литературные беседы. Книга первая («Звено» : 1923–1926) / Георгий Адамович. – СПб : Алетейя, 1998. – 375 с.
2. Адамович Г. В. Литературные беседы. Книга вторая («Звено» : 1926–1928) / Георгий Адамович. – СПб .: Алетейя, 1998. – 302 с.
3. Гумилёв Н. Письма о русской поэзии Сочинения: В 3 т. / Николай Гумилёв. – Т. 3 – М. : Худож. лит. – 430 с.
4. Коростелев О. А «Парижская нота» и противостояние молодежных поэтических школ русской литературной эмиграции / Олег Коростелев [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа :
2. Адамович Г. В. Литературные беседы. Книга вторая («Звено» : 1926–1928) / Георгий Адамович. – СПб .: Алетейя, 1998. – 302 с.
3. Гумилёв Н. Письма о русской поэзии Сочинения: В 3 т. / Николай Гумилёв. – Т. 3 – М. : Худож. лит. – 430 с.
4. Коростелев О. А «Парижская нота» и противостояние молодежных поэтических школ русской литературной эмиграции / Олег Коростелев [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа :
How to Cite
Ли, Я. (2017). Gumilev’s Creativity in the Reception of G. Adamovich at the pages of Paris “Zveno”. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (76), 117-120. Retrieved from
The problem of studying an artistic work through the prism of the interaction of text and context