Emphasis As A Linguistic And Stylistic Phenomenon
emphasis, emphatic constructions, fiction translation
The article focuses on a complex study of the peculiarities of English emphasis rendering in Ukrainian fiction translations. The research is based on the contrastive analysis of emphasis in the systems of the English and Ukrainian languages in the works by English and American writers and their translations into Ukrainian. The work deals with the problems of translating English emphasis and their combinations, depending on their communicative and pragmatic functions in different communication types of utterances. A classification of the types and kinds of English and Ukrainian emphasis is made. Conditions and peculiarities of translating emphatic means are found out and compared in English-Ukrainiаn translations.
1. Беляева М. А. Грамматика английского языка [Електронна версія] / М.А. Беляева. − Режим доступу: http://www.classes.ru/grammar/
2.Электронная Энциклопедия «Кругосвет». − Режим доступу: http://wwvv.krugosvet.rU/articles/66/l 006647/1006647а! .htm.
3. Михельсон Т. Н. Грамматика английского языка [Електронна версія] / Т. Н. Михельсон, Н. В. Упенская. − Режим доступу: http://www.classes.ru/grammar/35.Prakticheskiy_kurs_grammatiki_angliyskogo_yazyk a/06/М
2.Электронная Энциклопедия «Кругосвет». − Режим доступу: http://wwvv.krugosvet.rU/articles/66/l 006647/1006647а! .htm.
3. Михельсон Т. Н. Грамматика английского языка [Електронна версія] / Т. Н. Михельсон, Н. В. Упенская. − Режим доступу: http://www.classes.ru/grammar/35.Prakticheskiy_kurs_grammatiki_angliyskogo_yazyk a/06/М
How to Cite
Денисенко, Н. В., & Мілько, Н. Є. (1). Emphasis As A Linguistic And Stylistic Phenomenon. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (73), 61-64. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/philology/article/view/5618
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