“Intermedialism” as a category of literary studies and mediology

Keywords: intermedialism, literature, art, media, mediology


The article is devoted to theoretical problems of the interaction of arts and the term "intermedialism", which has certain amorphous features. The causes of attention to intermedial aspects of culture in the last decade are explained. In particular, it is a question of weakening of the cognitive function of literature and, accordingly, enhancing its aesthetic component and the development of hybrid genres. The study of intermedial aspects actualizes the study of literature in general. In the literary dictionary the term "intermedialism" was first introduced by Oge A. Hansen-Leo in 1983. The structure of this concept, the word-building aspect are analyzed. In modern mediology the phenomenon of art is considered at the level of other semiotic entities, so the work of art is a media, mediator, ingot of information and a quiz. The positions of M. Maklyueen and L. Elström are given. The terms "interaction of arts", "synthesis of arts", "interpenetration of arts" have exhausted their lexical potential, faced with the specifics of new types of creativity (for example, net art, street art), although they are still actively used in art studies studios. The correlation between the concepts of "intermedialism" and "intertextuality" is outlined. The definitions of "intermedialism", interpretation of the interaction of art by Y. Lotman, Y. Kristeva, A. Hansen-Löve, N. Tishunina, V. Prozalova and other researchers are given. The definition of V. Prozalova is considered to be the most adequate (intermedialism – “is a way of correlating artistic phenomena, the presence in artistic works of elements transposed from other forms of art"). Attention to the fact that "intermedialism" is also a methodology of literary analysis is drawn. The example of the new Ukrainian literature shows the extremes of the index of intermedialism: the works of T. Shevchenko, the end of the XIX – early of the XX century, 20-30 years of the twentieth century, the epoch of the sixties, the era of postmodernism. The reasons for the writers’ appeal to other types of art are explained: the universalism of the artistic thinking of T. Shevchenko, the image of the Subject in modernism, the rapid development of arts in Ukraine after the revolution of 1917 and others. It is concluded that in the modern era the term "intermedialism" is relevant because the person of the XXI century is influenced by many media, is intermedial in the broadest sense of the word.


Author Biography

Григорій Олегович Савчук, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Literature


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How to Cite
Савчук, Г. О. (2019). “Intermedialism” as a category of literary studies and mediology. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (81), 15-18. https://doi.org/10.26565/2227-1864-2019-81-02
Literature research: theoretical and applied aspects