Theatrum as lexical dominant of the sub-concept “THEATRE BUILDING” in Latin

  • Надія Богданівна Чернюх Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (3 а, Shimzeriv str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine)
Keywords: theatre, Latin language, concept, sub-concept, lexical dominant


The present article deals with semantics and functioning of the lexeme ‘theatrum’ as the dominant of the sub-concept “Theatre building” in Latin language. The above mentioned lexeme has the wide range of meanings: a place for viewing dramatic performances; a place for public meetings; the audience; a field in which one’s qualities are exhibited publicitly. Its semantic nucleus forms “a place in which performances are given”. The performed analysis allows to make a conclusion about using lexeme ‘theatrum’ mostly in the direct sense, as place, where different spectacles had taken place (performances, people’s meeting, etc.) and also due to metonymical transferring to mark publics. It testifies about gradual narrowing and specialization of meaning, which happened in the following way: ”place, where something happens > place of performances > publics”. There are adjectives and participles, which characterize shape, size, decoration, attendance, which are used with the above mentioned lexeme. Derivative potential of lexeme ‘theatrum’ is narrow and presented with adjectives ‘theatralis’ and theatricus as well as with borrowed from Greek noun ‘theatridion’.  A variety of theater was odeum "odeon", where musical and poetry competitions took place. Like much of the Latin theatrical vocabulary, this name is borrowed from the Greek ᾠδεῖον.

The analysis of the subconcept "Theatrical structure" in full, taking into account its two main parts - the scene and auditorium - realized within the framework of the corresponding conceptual fields, will form the prospect of research.


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Author Biography

Надія Богданівна Чернюх, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (3 а, Shimzeriv str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine)

Assistant Professor of the Department of the Latin and Foreign languages



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How to Cite
Чернюх, Н. Б. (2019). Theatrum as lexical dominant of the sub-concept “THEATRE BUILDING” in Latin. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (79), 188-193.
Classical languages in modern linguistic paradigms