Cinematographic potential of lyric poetry of Ivan Svitlychnyj

  • Григорій Олегович Савчук V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine)
Keywords: poetry, intermedial, cinema, frame, mini clip


The article is devoted to the intermedial aspects of the work of the outstanding sixties, in particular, the cinematic component of the lyrics from the collection "Heart is for  bullets and  rum". The poems that contain signs of video clips ("Fire", "Birch", "Zawiya", "When the light dawns are strict ...", "Evening mystery"), the interaction of statics, dynamics are examined in the article. Explored poetry is based on the interaction of the empirical material and the author's imagination. The analysis of the storytelling of poetry is made taking into account the characteristics of the chronotope. The interaction of large and general plans was studied. The obvious thing is the sympathy of Ivan Svetlichny to black-and-white cinema, achromatic colors, night landscapes. The thrift of expressive means the depth of lyrical experience are noted. The methods of mounting and instant contrast are analyzed. It is concluded that cinematic techniques were acquired by the poet mainly at the level of the subconscious.

A look at the lyrics of Ivan Svitlychnyj through the prism of intermedial poetics allows you to see previously unnoticed aspects, to find a new space for interpretation. The analyzed poetry has a different cinematic potential. The Ivan Svitlychnyj’s sympathy to black-and-white cinema, achromatic colors, night landscapes is obvious. Images are saving, poor in their external manifestations. For the poet it is important to receive a contrast, a sharp change in the depicted. This is one of the most widely used techniques of cinema at all the times of its existence.

The conclusions of the work broaden the idea of Ivan Svitlychnyj's aesthetic priorities.


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Author Biography

Григорій Олегович Савчук, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Literature



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How to Cite
Савчук, Г. О. (2019). Cinematographic potential of lyric poetry of Ivan Svitlychnyj. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (79), 87-90.
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