Flann O'Brien's Works in Scientific Studies: the Main Directions and Stages of Study

  • Єлизавета Ігорівна Василюк Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: Flann O’Brien’s research, modernism, postmodernism, artistic techniques, literary context, levels of absurd, narrative strategies


The article deals with the analysis of the history of research by means of literary criticism the works of an outstanding Irish writer Flann O'Brien, who, along with James Joyce and Samuel Beckett, is called one of three great Irish writers of the ХХth century. The main stages and aspects of this scientific process are defined, the principal works and researches of F. O'Brien's works are determined. The researches, devoted to the study of the connection of Flann O’Brien and James Joyce, are reviewed, and the main common aspects of James Joyce and Flann O’Brien novels are named. A special attention is given to the question of Irish Gaelic language and its place in Flann O’Brien novels and to the Irish comic tradition, its aspects and research of these aspects in Ukrainian and foreign studies. The contribution of Ukrainian science to the development of the world Flann O’Brien research is being studied. Also, the influence of the Flann O’Brien International Society on the development of Flann O’Brien research is defined. The questions, which have not got a proper attention and require the development (the author's functions, narrative strategies, the author’s influence on the Anglo-American postmodernism of the 1960s) are outlined.


Author Biography

Єлизавета Ігорівна Василюк, Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна

аспірантка кафедри історії зарубіжної літератури і класичної


1. Бороненко А. В. Специфика юмора в ирландской литературе 30—40-х годов ХХ века : автореф. дис на соискание уч. степени канд. филол. наук : 10.01.03 «Литература народов стран зарубежья (ирландская литература)» / А. В. Бороненко. — Екатеринбург, 2012. — 23 с.

2. Диброва В. Г. Творчество Фленна О’Брайена (традиции народной культуры и литературный контекст) : автореф. дис. на соискание уч. степени канд. филол. наук : 10.01.05 «Литература стран Западной Европы, Америки и Австралии» / В. Г. Диброва. — К., 1988. — 17 с.

3. О’Брайен Ф. Лучшее из Майлза / Флэнн О’Брайен. М. : Додо Пресс, 2016. – 495 с.

4. Booker M. K. Flann O’Brien, Bakhtin, and Menippean Satire / M. Keith Booker. — N. Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1995. — 163 p.

5. Gallagher M. “The Poor Mouth”: Flann O’Brien and the Gaeltacht / Monique Gallagher // Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review. — 1983. — Vol. 72. — No. 287. — P. 231—241.

6. Hopper K. Flann O’Brien. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Postmodernist / Keith Hopper — N. Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1995. — 292 p.

7. International Flann O’Brien Society [Electronic resourse].  Access mode:
https: //www.univie.ac.at/flannobrien2011/bibliography.html

8. Kiberd D. Inventing Ireland. The Literature of the Modern Nation / Declan Kiberd. — L. : Vintage Books, 1996. — 720 p.
How to Cite
Василюк, Є. І. (2018). Flann O’Brien’s Works in Scientific Studies: the Main Directions and Stages of Study. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (77), 178-181. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/philology/article/view/10150
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