Perceptual metaphor as a mean of creating an image of a person in Russian dialect language

  • Людмила Вадимовна Педченко Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: dialectal vocabulary, language picture of the world, perception, perceptual metaphor


The article explores the metaphorical potential of perceptual lexicon in Russian dialect language in the aspect of the formation of the "image of a person", the patterns of interaction of the perception system and other "bodily" and "spiritual" human systems in the Russian language picture of the world are revealed. The author calls into question the idea of Y. Apresyan about the binary organization of the systems that form the image of a person in the Russian language picture of the world, on the pairing of systems of perception and intellect. The analysis of dialect lexemes serving various modes of perception shows that the metaphorical potential of perceptual vocabulary is not limited to the intellectual sphere. Different modes of perception show a closer interaction with certain systems: vision - with intellect and emotions, hearing - with intellect and speech, smelling - with actions and intellect, taste, pain and temperature sensations - with emotions, tactile sensations are associated with almost all systems. The variety of models of perceptual metaphor proves that perception, which is the foundation on which cognition and assessment of a person around the world is based, is associated with all systems that form the "image of man" – intellect, actions and activities, physiological reactions, emotions, speech etc.


Author Biography

Людмила Вадимовна Педченко, Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри
російської мови


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How to Cite
Педченко, Л. В. (2018). Perceptual metaphor as a mean of creating an image of a person in Russian dialect language. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Philology”, (77), 50-55. Retrieved from
Cognitive and Linguoculturological Aspects of Language Study