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  1. All manuscripts, submitted to an editorial board of “The Journal” and which meet the requirements and the themes of journal, are subjected to peer review procedure.
  2. Reviewing methods: an external one (a doctor or a candidate of sciences (PhD), who is a leading specialist in the correspondent field of science, acts as reviewer of articles); an internal one (the research papers are reviewed by members of the editorial board of the journal). The review process is executed confidentially following the principles of double-blind review (where neither the author nor the reviewer knows each other).
  3. 3. The article is registered at the editorial office of “The Journal” indicating the date of receipt, the title, full name of the author(s) and their place of work.
  4. The executive secretary reports to the authors about the receipt of article within 7 days.
  5. The executive secretary determines the compatibility for the article and the journal’s specialization as well as the compliance of the article with the requirements, which are placed on the website of “The Journal” ( In case of inadequacy, the article is not allowed for further consideration.
  6. The editor-in-chief sends the paper to the reviewing to a member of the editorial board and another specialist, who has the closest specialization to the subject of the paper. All the articles in the issue are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.

  7. The review period lasts from 4 to 8 weeks from the date of receipt.

  8. The following issues should be specificated in the internal review:

           - relevance and scientific novelty;

          - validity and significance of results;

          - assessment of the author’s personal contribution to the solution to this problem;

         - correspondence of the language, style, composition, logic of representation with the scientific nature of the material;- quality of the execution;

        - positive aspects and the shortcomings of the article as well as corrections and additions, which should be made by the author, shall be explained;

        - conclusion to the possibility of publishing the manuscript in the journal: “recommended”, “recommended after the corrections of shortcomings noted by the reviewer” or “not recommended”.

  1. The reviewer decides on the expediency of the publication, the necessity to revise the manuscript or the inexpediency of its publication. The review is to be signed by the reviewer indicating their position, academic degree and rank.
  2. The reviewers are reported that the manuscripts are intellectual property of the authors and relate to non-disclosure information. Reviewers are prohibited to make copies of the articles for their needs.
  3. If some correcting needed, the article is sent to the author with a proposal to take into account the comments of the reviewer. In case of rejection, the editorship sends the author a motivated refusal.
  4. The manuscripts, corrected by the author, are repeatedly sent to the same reviewer who had made critical remarks, or to another one at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.
  5. The manuscripts, which authors have not corrected the constructive comments of the reviewer or have not proposed well-reasoned refutation, are not accepted for publication.
  6. The final decision about the possibility and expediency of publication is taken by the editor-in-chief (or, on their behalf, by a member of the editorial board), and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.
  7. According to the statute of the system of preventing and detecting of academic plagiarism in academic and research works of the employees and students of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, before the submission to the “The Journal” for consideration of the academic council of the department, the editorial board checks the admitted papers for academic plagiarism, which is noted in the certificate signed by the editor-in-chief. The verification is realized using the Anti-Plagiarist Internet System (the property of Company).




“The Journal” accepts scientific papers in volumes to 12 printed pages. The material of the article should not have been published before and should not be published in another edition. Materials can be presented in Ukrainian or English languages. It is necessary to prepare the text of the article in both printed and electronic form to publish the manuscript. The article should be sent by e-mail (after an acceptance of paper by the editor-in-chief) to or Printed and electronic versions must be identical. The text of the article should be carefully edited and checked by the author and authenticated by his signature. The author of the paper is responsible for the errors in the submitted materials.

Articles are accepted during the year in streaming mode.

File requirements: the file must be created in the Word editor and stored in * .doc, * .docx or * .rtf format; the file name should be the author´s surname. Use Latin alphabet characters for typing the name of the paper (for example, Butko.doc; Butko.rtf).

The sequence of structural elements and requirements for the composition of the paper:

1) UDC. Type on the left side in ordinary font.

2) Initials and surname of the author. Type on the left side in ordinary font.

3) The title of the paper. Type on the left side in ordinary font. Do not use capital letters for the whole title.

4) Summaries (this structural element does not have any titles as “Summary”, etc.) should be presented in Ukrainian and English. The volume of the summery should be at least 1800 printed characters, including keywords. Indicate the author’s surname, initials and the title of the paper in the appropriate language before each summary, (in English variant the full name of author and the title must be provided).  5‒7 keywords are added to the summary; the text of the summary is printed in regular single-spaced font.
The abstract should contain the following structural parts:
a) the statement of the problem (relevance);
b) the purpose of the paper;
c) the methods of research (are indicated only if they contain novelty and are of interest, considering the subject of the paper);
d) the main results and novelty of the study;
e) conclusions.
Each structural part of the abstract is to start in a new paragraph. The names of the structural parts of the abstract, except the purpose of the paper, are not to be stated.

5) Text of the paper. According to the requirements of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine, the article should contain the following structural elements: a) problem statement, in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; b) analysis of recent researches and publications on this topic, the emphasizing of previously unsolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to; c) formation of the article purpose (statement of the task); d) presentation of the main research material with a full substantiation of obtained scientific results; e) conclusions of the research and prospects for the further research.

The text is typed in Times New Roman, size 14 p., line spacing is 1.5. Fields: top, bottom, left, right ‒ 2 cm. • A dash is not to be replaced with a hyphen sign and vice versa. • Pages are not numbered. • Paragraph indention ‒ 0.6 cm. The paragraph indention is not to be made by using the Tab key and the space bar. • Text alignment is justified • Selection of text fragment is possible in bold and italic (underlining is not allowed). • Bibliographic references are printed in square brackets (for example [4, p. 25]). The first figure is the source number in the list of references, and the second one is the page number. The source number and the page number are separated by a colon. To specify the range of pages, the dash is used without spaces to the left and to the right of the dash. The page numbers of the same source are separated by a comma. The source numbers are separated by a semicolon. For example: [4, p. 25–27], [4, p. 32–33; 7, p. 16, 25], [4; 7; 12].

6) References. Before the list of used literature, the word “References” is written in ordinary font. Used sources are printed in alphabetical order. Each source begins with a paragraph. The bibliography is arranged taking account of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”. The list must necessarily include literature for the last five years. The bibliography should be followed by a References -  the list of used sources translated into English, which must be prepared in accordance with the international standard APA (American Psychological Association). 

The references should contain DOI if assigned. 

The article is accompanied by the information about the author on a separate page in Ukrainian and English:

  • surname, name, patronymic;
  • academic degree, place of work, position;
  • the full name and the postal address of the institution where the author works, index;
  • e-mail, telephone;

Failure in following all these requirements will be a reason to reject the proposed paper.

Example of an article 

УДК: [008:001.8+316.7]+82.091

Т. Г. Свербілова
Міждисциплінарний аспект студій транскультурації та гібридизації в дискурсі Comparative Culture

На основі розширеного розуміння нової літературної компаративістики використовується трансдисциплінарний підхід. Розглядаються методології компаративістики з погляду порівняльних культурних студій (comparative cultures). Основою для використання теорій гібридної культури і транскультурації є те, що в них аналізуються принципи взаємодії двох або більше культур, а порівняння і визначення специфіки загального і окремого є предметом компаративістики. Актуальність такого дослідження визначається тим, що в сучасному глобальному світі відбувається трансформація теорій мультикультуралізму, який виявився насправді розділенням по різним відокремленим культурним практикам, не пов’язаним між собою. Концепти транскультуралізму і гібридизації полемізуть з мультикультуралізмом як із відсутністю взаємодії культур. Найважливішою ознакою транскультурації є її імагологічна парадигма: Інший розглядається не як об’єкт, на який спрямовані зусилля по переробленню його на Свого, а як незалежний самостійний суб’єкт діалогу культур. Гібридизація визначається як створення нових змішаних типів культур на основі взаємодії різнорідних культурних елементів, що веде до виникнення нових культурних форм як переробки на локальному рівні глобальних, національних і регіональних культурних елементів. Теорія гібридизації, як і теорія транскультурації, – як форми взаємодії культур – це побудова діалогу в умовах суперечливого глобального світу, поєднання своєї і іншої культури.
Ключові слова: літературна компаративістика, порівняльні культурні студії, постколоніальні студії, мультикультуралізм, транскультуралізм, гібридність, культурна ідентичність.

Tetiana Sverbilova
The interdisciplinary aspect of the studies of transculturation and hybridization in comparative culture discourse
On the basis of an expanded understanding of new literary comparativism, a transdisciplinary approach is used. Comparative methodologies are discussed in terms of comparative cultures. The basis for the use of theories of hybrid culture and transculturation is that the subject of comparative studies is  the analysis of the principles of interaction between two or more cultures, and the comparison and determination of the specifics of the general and the individual. The relevance of such research is determined by the fact that in the contemporary global world there is a transformation of the theories of multiculturalism, which has actually turned into different isolated cultural practices that are not interconnected. The concepts of transculturalism and hybridization are polemicized with multiculturalism as with the lack of interaction between cultures. The most important sign of transculturation is its imagological paradigm: the Other is seen not as an object to which efforts are being made to transform it into Mine, but as an independent subject of the dialogue of cultures. Hybridization is defined as the creation of new mixed types of cultures, based on the interaction of heterogeneous cultural elements, leading to the emergence of new cultural forms as processing at the local level of global, national and regional cultures. The article deals with the Caribbean tradition, which has formed hybrid models of transculturation in three paradigms of cultural difference: cultural differentialism, cultural convergence and cultural hybridization. It explains the theory of melange by Jan Nederveen Pieterse, who proposed to define globalization as hybridization, which gives rise to global melange, of mixing. Strategies for forming ideas about national identities, the cultural integrity of nations, and ways of intercultural communication based on the concept of «nation» – do not work in today's modern global world. The theory of hybridization, as well as the theory of transculturation – as a form of interaction between cultures – is the construction of a dialogue in the context of a contradictory global world, a combination of our and another culture.
Key words: comparative literature, comparative cultures, postcolonial studies, multiculturalism, transculturalism, hybridity, cultural identity.

Сучасні дослідження з порівняльного літературознавства давно розширюють свою територію і наразі мають тенденцію до функціонування у значенні, більш модерному, ніж традиційна літературна компаративістика, – як частина загальної дисципліни «Comparative Cultural Studies» – тобто порівняльні культурні студії.
<Текст статті>


  1. Bhabha H. K. The Location of Culture. London: Routledge, 1994.408 p.


  1. Bhabha,K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge. 408 p. [in English].


<Відомості про автора (окремим файлом)>

Свербілова Тетяна Георгіївна, доктор філологічних наук, провідний науковий співробітник відділу теорії літератури і компаративістики, Інститут літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України (вул. М. Грушевського, 4, Київ-1, 01001, Україна); e-mail: sverbilova@gmail.com
Телефони: моб. 098-278-11-52; роб.: (044) 279-10-84

Sverbilova Tetiana,  Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature Department, Shevchenko Institute of  Literature of the National Academy  of Sciences of Ukraine (4 Grushevsky Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine)

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