Pecularities of professionally oriented teaching foreign language for cadets of higher military establishments
In the article the authors analyzed features of professionally-oriented learning foreign language by the cadets of higher military institutions. Teaching subject «Foreign Language» in non-linguistic institutions needs to coincide with the directions of development of State educational standard which implies taking into consideration of professional specificity in teaching foreign language for each separate speciality and even specialization. The authors note the necessity to use personal approach which gives opportunity to form a new paradigm of higher military education which is aimed at the realization of humanization and informatization ideas which are followed with general harmonization and fundamentalization of educational system in higher military institutions. The technique «from knowledge – to skills» turns into the technique «from active actions – to knowledge and skills» which is the base humanized model of study in any professional sphere. The conclusion is made that the language not only as a linguistic phenomena is the subject of study but also as speech activity which includes sociocultural aspect. The result of its use is cognition of world culture in general. Professionally oriented knowledge of foreign language becomes a foreground direction also in the update of military education according to NATO standards which are international ones.
There must be the following components of studying foreign language:
- spheres of communicative activity, topics, situations and language material which consider professional direction of cadets’ education;
- language material (phonetic, lexical, grammar, orthographic), rules of its use and skills of its use;
- complex of special (speech) skills which show the level of practical knowledge of foreign language as means of communication in particular in intercultural situations;
- system of knowledge of national and cultural peculiarities of the country the language of which the learners study.
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