Competence approach in solution of the problems of english-speaking students of the first year studing in the process of their adaptation

  • Г. О. Сирова
  • С. М. Козуб
Keywords: сompetence approach, adaptation, english-speaking students, questionnaire


In the article the problem of adaptation of English first-year students of Kharkiv National Medical University is disclosed. It is shown that, first of all, the main problems of adaptation are the change of residence, falling into another environment with foreign language and with new structure and traditions. It is proved that the adaptation is needed not only to students but also mostly for university because it can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of education, especially for international students.

It has been shown that the work with such students requires special techniques and methods that are used based on the experience of teachers. Using the scientific approach for investigation of the process of adaptation of foreign students to study at an educational institution will determine the most effective techniques and methods for formation of socio-labor and communication competences for students, which ultimately will assist to reducing the load on teachers and improving the efficiency of their work.

In order to detect problems for adaptation period and changes of quality of education for english-speaking students of the first course we have prepared a questionnaire with questions concerned of adaptation and offered english-speaking students to give anonymous answers.

The questionnaires were conducted in 10 groups (134 English-speaking students of the first and fourth streams) in which students arrived with a difference in 2 months (students of the first stream - September, students of the fourth stream - November). Amount of students in the groups was approximately the same. Such number of groups made it possible to conduct a simple correlation analysis of various factors among themselves and to determine the most statistically significant dependencies between them.

Questions were general in nature and were designed to identify difficulties physiological adaptation as one of the causes of the declining interest in learning: «Do you like to study at the university?», «Do you miss for your parents?», «Do you like Kharkiv?» etc.

Also a series of questions aimed to identify the challenges of academic  adaptation of english-speaking students to university didactic environment was presented because the fast adaptation to the educational process and understanding of specific of education in Ukrainian universities are the key to good success in education for english-speaking students: «Do you like chemistry lecture and chemistry practical classes?», «Working off of lectures and chemistry practical classes  is a problem or not». 

Some of questions were related to the social adaptation of english-students because in Ukraine english-students fall into a new social environment where they have initially difficulties of navigation: «Do you have the friends at the university?», «What helped you to adapt?». They face new difficulties that occur in their way: first of all, the experience that are associated with the change of residence - they leave their home, their family, friends, etc., and secondly, the difficulties that related to new living conditions: establishing new everyday life and self-service.  The results of the anonymous interview are given in the article.

It is shown that English-speaking students of the 4 stream of the first year of study compared with the students of the 1 stream more like to study at the university, they like our city more and they are less sad about parents, they like more both lectures and practical classes. For students of 4 stream, there is no problem in working off lectures or practical classes.

Also in the article the measures conducted by the Department of Medical and Bioorganic Chemistry with english-speaking students that improves their adaptation to new conditions of living and studying in KhNMU are shown.



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How to Cite
Сирова, Г. О., & Козуб, С. М. (2017). Competence approach in solution of the problems of english-speaking students of the first year studing in the process of their adaptation. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 200-210. Retrieved from