Knowledge assessment system as one of the technology of competence approach of education

  • С. М. Козуб
  • П. А. Козуб
Keywords: assessment, competence approach, training technology


A technology of assessment of quantitative evaluation of information of subject of education is proposed. The assessment of a level of knowledge for people, animals and machines is a process that has the same main goal - to give quantitative value of the distance between the level of accumulated information of subject to some training and reference levels of knowledge. Procedure of assessment (method and type of assessment) determines the accuracy of the assessment, objectivity of assessment and its reliability, ease of evaluation, time frame of assessment and global character of assessment process. Such assessment of knowledge is always quantitative, it always involves a comparison with certain measure, regardless of the method of obtaining of evaluation, regardless of selection method of assessment or reference mesure.

Measure of standardization (criterion-oriented) are aimed at determining the level of information (knowledge) compared to some standard level of knowledge, allowing for comparison of information of all subjects of education in a general way.

Measures of comparison does not impose such exacting requirements to assessment because their primary purpose is obtaining either of relatively conventionally accepted assessment (norm-oriented assesment, rating) or the assesment of relative to initial level (grade changes, development model).

This measure is not fundamentally different from measure of standardization, but it constantly should be corrected. Moreover, it may (and should) have an assessment relative to global standards.

Measuress of education efficiency allow to compare the level of knowledge with some idealized level, which is individual for each subject of education and its usually implies the impossibility of standardization of such marks.

So, determining the reference level for evaluation of level of knowledge is the main difficulty in assessment. And one of the most important tasks of the evaluation is the correct choice of the type of assessment and the method of obtaining of quantative values, which must correspond to each other. In this sense, the method of evaluation can be considered a purely technical procedure for obtaining quantitative indicators related to the level of information that have the subject of training.

This can be done in various ways (using a computer, questionar form, poll, an expert evaluation or a group assessment, etc.) depending on the purpose of the assessment (for certification, comparison, control of the learning process, the development of individual characteristics), subjects of study ( School, university, animals), available technical equipment (simulators, computers).

Thus, the approach to the assessment of knowledge as technology that includes source, object, results and methods of achieving results, indicates the possibility of creating a unified approach to assessment, rather than use for assesment of "art" or "experience" of teacher.

In the same time does not have possibility to create a one best method of evaluation, since it depends on the goals, of existing resources and of teaching methods. But it is possible and necessary to create a detailed technical description of each of the known methods of assesment that will allow them to be classified, and unified their use for various educational situations in future.



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How to Cite
Козуб, С. М., & Козуб, П. А. (2017). Knowledge assessment system as one of the technology of competence approach of education. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 73-80. Retrieved from