Professional teaching staff's competence in the establishments of postgraduate education

  • О. О. Долгопол
Keywords: professional teaching staff's competence


In connection with the actuality of the competence approach in education, there is a need to review and update the list of teaching staff's competencies in establishments of postgraduate education. The article analyzes various definitions of the «competency» and «competences» concepts. On their basis, the definition of the competency as a degree of competences or one competence that is the objectification of professionalism. Competences are defined as a dynamic combination of cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, demonstration of knowledge and comprehension, interpersonal and practical skills and ethical values. The knowledgeable, operational-technological, value-motivational aspects of the teacher's activity that include competence have been described. A brief analysis of foreign educational systems and their experience in developing main competencies has been given. Basic competencies of the teacher without pedagogical education are described that combine teaching in the establishments of postgraduate education with the work of the doctor: socio-cultural, legal, health, socio-psychological, informational-communicative and vocational. It is also possible to add information, self-education and creative competences to this list. Their content  was briefly analyzed. The article emphasizes that the strategic condition for introducing a competent approach in the system of post-graduate medical education is the creation of such organizational and pedagogical conditions that would maximize the teacher's ability to operate with knowledge, be prepared to change and adapt to the new needs of the society,  to operate and manage information, use the acquired knowledge, be able to work with colleagues, listen to their thoughts, critically evaluate the achievements, have a desire for self-realization of creative potential .Active and interactive methods are becoming relevant for the development of  the main teaching staff's competences in the system of postgraduate medical education: trainings, group discussions, disputes, dialogues, advanced technologies, business games, software learning. The introduction of a competent approach will make it possible to improve the  teaching staff's features that are necessary for the implementation of professional activities; unify the results of postgraduate education that can be interpreted and taken into account in any health protection institution of any country.


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How to Cite
Долгопол, О. О. (2017). Professional teaching staff’s competence in the establishments of postgraduate education. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 50-64. Retrieved from