Speech competency of the teacher as a comparison of the pedagogue's authority in the context of the historical heritage of A.S.Makarenko

  • Т. В. Вигранка
Keywords: linguistic competence, authority of the teacher, professional activity of the teacher


The article deals with the content and features of the teacher's speech competence as a component of the teacher's authority in the A.S.Makarenko’s system on the example of student questionnaires. The theoretical components of speech competence are determined. The analysis of speech and communicative features of a teacher is carried out. It is indicated on the necessity of improving speech activity as a pledge to increase the authority of the teacher.



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How to Cite
Вигранка, Т. В. (2017). Speech competency of the teacher as a comparison of the pedagogue’s authority in the context of the historical heritage of A.S.Makarenko. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (41), 45-49. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pedagogy/article/view/9958