Formation of motivation professinal self-realization teacher in the methodical work

  • Т. В. Куценко
Keywords: personal realization, general education, methodical work of teachers, students, group form of work


The paper theoretically grounded essence of motivation of professional self-realization of teachers in system of methodical work, which is in need of updating internal capacity to carry out educational activities, formation of professional identity, and its result is a positive change of the educational process. It is proved that the desire to succeed and prevent failures is a major motivation in forming professional self-realization of teachers. It was found that the formation of self-motivation of professional teachers is happening in the system of methodical work.



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How to Cite
Куценко, Т. В. (2017). Formation of motivation professinal self-realization teacher in the methodical work. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (39), 124-128. Retrieved from