Learner-centered approach to teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions

Keywords: learner-centered approach, theory of multiple intelligences, autonomous learning, learning facilitation, learning styles, learning strategies


The article identifies the main features of the learner-centered approach at the present stage of its development: a) the central idea of autonomous learning and activity of learners; b) the purpose of learning is the formation of foreign language communication skills and, at the same time, the comprehensive development of personality; c) the content of learning implies the choice of educational materials and technologies in accordance with the abilities, aptitudes, needs, interests and moral problems of the student; d) the role of the learner is crucial, characterized by maximum independence, active participation in setting goals and organizing the learning process, evaluating its results; e) the main function of the teacher is to facilitate learning activities, i. e. to create comfortable conditions for learning and comprehensive development of the individual.





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How to Cite
Valeriia Yurchenko. (2024). Learner-centered approach to teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (54), 78-86. https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8167-2024-54-07