Ways of optimizing distance learning of the clinical discipline during war

Keywords: анкетування, дистанційне навчання, опитувальник, освітній процес, якість освіти


Problem statement. In the context of an epidemic and war, distance learning (DL) is practically the only acceptable form of education. There are challenges in its rationalization, esp. regarding the acquisition of practical skills by medical students.

Purpose of the article. To analyse the quality of DL, particularly in the Dept. of Internal Medicine, and to determine ways to improve it.

Research methods. An 18 question survey with response options and the possibility of adding comments was used.





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How to Cite
Tykhonova, T., Martymianova, L., Barabash, N., & Kanishcheva, O. (2024). Ways of optimizing distance learning of the clinical discipline during war. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (54), 65-77. https://doi.org/10.26565/2074-8167-2024-54-06