Formation of management competence of future specialists: theoretical aspect

Keywords: managerial competence of future specialists, competence, management, specialist, graduate of a higher education institution


The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of the formation of managerial competence among future specialists. The purpose of the article is to reveal the state of research on the problem of th formation managerial competence higher education institutions graduates in the scientific literature. A high level of managerial competence of higher education institutions graduates is an important condition for their professional development, self-realization in the profession, one of the key factors in ensuring the growth of the economy and the well-being of society. The content of the concept of "many agement competence of future specialists" is revealed in the article. Managerial competence of graduates of higher education institutions is considered as the ability and readiness to holistically identify, analyze the problems of the organization entrusted to him and effectively solve them.





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How to Cite
Ternopilska, V. (2024). Formation of management competence of future specialists: theoretical aspect. Scientific Notes of the Pedagogical Department, (54), 60-65.